Editing Services and Coaching from Both Sides of the Desk
I’ve sat on both sides of the editor’s desk, and I can help you craft a beautiful story that inspires readers.
I edit writers who focus on creative nonfiction (personal essays, memoirs, narrative nonfiction, nature writing, and nontraditional or hybrid forms) or narrative nonfiction, as well as short story fiction writers.
As the nonfiction editor of the Blue Lyra Review, I evaluated hundreds of memoirs, personal essays, nature and science essays, and other creative nonfiction, and I developmentally edited dozens of writers (four earned a Best American Essays honorable mention).
As a book author (Turning Homeward: Restoring Hope and Nature in the Urban Wild, Washington State Book Awards Finalist 2017) with over seventy published essays and short stories of my own, I’ve collaborated with developmental, line, substantive, copy, and acquisition editors. I know what it’s like to be a writer and juggle family and day-job demands with a heartfelt ache to turn an idea into a published essay, short story, novel, or nonfiction book.
I know, too, the internal blocks writers feel as they struggle to take their work to that necessary next level.
And rejection? I’ve been there. (Turning Homeward received 24 rejections over the course of two years before being published.)
As your editor, I’ll have sharp eyes but never a sharp tongue. I’ll help you understand what’s compelling in your work, as well as the strategic changes needed to raise your chances of publication.
I can work with you through book coaching, developmental editing, and line editing. I can also help you find a copy editor or proofreader. Whether it’s a query letter critique, an evaluation of a short manuscript, or an in-depth developmental edit of your manuscript, my questions and suggestions will be thoughtful, compassionate, specific, and honest.

Here’s how I can help you
Developmental Editing Services
Developmental editing is a necessary, long-term investment for a writer with a manuscript (typically around 80,000 words) or an essay or fiction story (up to 10,000 words) that’s not quite ready to go out into the world. If needed, I can focus the developmental edit on a manuscript’s first 100 pages.
Developmental editing is more intensive than a manuscript evaluation. I’ll do at least two reads (editorial passes) to examine whether the threads of your story’s tapestry are weaving together to create a beautiful, compelling work. Is the thesis clear? The supporting structure strong? The narrative flowing? Are the characterizations, character arcs, dialogue, pacing, transitions, timelines, and other critical elements collaborating enough to create a story that a reader will stay up at night to finish?
What you get: a five- to twenty-five-page, single-spaced editorial letter analyzing these and other “big picture” issues. You’ll also receive your manuscript back as a Word document with up to several hundred comments anywhere I had a question, observation, or suggestion. If you’d like, we can also have a follow-up Zoom or phone conversation.
Manuscript Editing and Evaluation Services
A manuscript evaluation is an effective, affordable option for a manuscript (typically around 80,000 words), the first 100 pages of a long work, or a short essay or fiction story (up to 10,000 words).
I’ll do at least two reads (or editorial passes) to keep a careful, compassionate eye on structure, narrative arc, pacing, and other “big picture” story elements.
What you get: a two- to three-page, single-spaced editorial letter with an overview of your work’s strength and weaknesses, revision suggestions, and directions to consider. A follow-up phone or Zoom conversation is optional.
Query Letter Critique
I’ll analyze your one-page (250 words) query letter for succinctness, persuasiveness, clarity, and your understanding of audience and marketing possibilities.
What you get: a one-page, single-spaced editorial letter with suggested revisions. If needed, I’ll include models, resources, or comments in the Word document. A follow-up phone or Zoom call is optional.
Line Editing Services
I’ll work hands-on with your manuscript’s words, sentences, paragraphs, and sections to cut the clutter that’s muffling your voice. (Line editing is also called substantive editing.) I’ll suggest restructuring for clarity, rhythm, transitions, and other style strategies that enhance a reader’s engagement.
What you get: changes and comments in a Word document with Track Changes enabled, so you can easily accept or reject my suggestions. If needed, I’ll send a one- to two-page, single-spaced letter regarding recurring issues. Additional edits will require a new agreement and fees. A follow-up phone or Zoom call is possible.
“Without Adrienne’s insights into plot, character, and structure, my essay would not have been listed as a Best American Essays 2017 notable mention. Adrienne’s attention to detail and her encouragement to focus on facts, times, and places prevented the story line from becoming blurred for the reader. Her thoughtful questions helped direct the emotional arc and fulfill a meaningful purpose to my work. I learned a huge amount about writing memoir from her editorial skills and coaching style.”
— Susan Bloch, author of The Mumbai Massacre
Creative Nonfiction Writing and Book Coaching Services
I’m not a licensed coach or counselor, but as a writer, I’ve been there and done that and can share what I’ve learned about setting realistic goals, establishing a writing practice, researching and tracking submissions, and staying motivated in the face of long wait times, quirky editors, and lots of rejections. (I once received an editor’s acceptance for an essay seven years after he sent me a form-letter rejection for that same essay. I hadn’t resubmitted it, either. It was just…somewhere…in his files…and one day…)
I can’t eliminate the problems we face as writers, but I can provide respectful, positive, and effective solutions, as well as resources and links. Phone, Zoom, or email sessions at affordable hourly rates will help you stay on course during your publication journey.
Let’s get started!
First, let’s schedule a FREE, thirty-minute phone or Zoom conversation to talk about your project, what you need, and how I can help you.
Not sure if you need a manuscript evaluation, a developmental edit, or perhaps you want a mix of substantive editing and coaching, or some other combination? Our phone or Zoom time will help us determine a plan that suits what you need.
1 | Schedule a 30-minute complimentary conversation.
In our free, thirty-minute phone or Zoom call, we will discuss the scope of your project and how I can help you. You can use the sign-up form above to schedule our conversation or email me at adrienne[at]adrienne-ross-scanlan.com.2 | Sign the agreement and make your initial payment of 30%.
We’ll put together a plan that works for both of us, and I’ll send a letter of agreement to review, negotiate if needed, and sign.A nonrefundable payment of 30% is required in advance to begin work. Payment can be made via check or PayPal (check is preferred since there are no fees involved).
3 | We set a schedule, and I get to work.
You’ll send me your manuscript in a Word document. Once I receive the signed letter of agreement, 30% advance payment, and a Word document with your manuscript, I’ll schedule your work and give you an estimated completion date.4 | Wrapping up and final payment.
I’ll send you my completed review and any promised deliverables and, if previously agreed upon, we’ll have a follow-up phone or Zoom call. Once all the work is completed, I’ll send you an invoice for the outstanding balance. You’ll have the option to pay by check or PayPal (fees apply), but payment will be due within thirty days.Coaching clients will receive a monthly invoice.
My rates are based on the Northwest Editors Guild and Editorial Freelancers Association fee charts.
We’ll discuss specific rates for your project in our free, thirty-minute phone or Zoom call. You can use the sign-up form on this page to schedule our conversation.
You can always call or email me with questions relating to my comments or your revisions. I’d love to hear from you and learn how your work is progressing.
Can’t I get this from a critique group?
Critique groups are places where writers learn aspects of the writing craft by reading and discussing works in progress. They can be great for support, but unfortunately, a critique group’s helpfulness is limited by its participants’ writing experience. Novice writers can provide personal reactions to your piece but may not know just what it is about your manuscript’s structure that’s tangled, or where the conflict and resolution is unclear, or how character development is lacking or askew with the conclusion, or other reasons your piece just isn’t working no matter how hard you try to fix it. A professional editor, on the other hand, brings experience and expertise to give you strategic help beyond what a critique group offers.
Can you catch my typos and do proofreading?
I’ll keep my eyes open for obvious grammar problems, but I won’t do a full copyedit, nor will I proofread your manuscript. In other words, I won’t do an in-depth, line-by-line or word-by-word check of grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formal style (such as Chicago Manual of Style or AP Style). To find professionals who do that, I suggest you check the freelance directory at the Northwest Editors Guild or the Editorial Freelancers Association.
Why not just go to Fiverr or a similar site for an editor who charges less?
Online sites like Fiverr have experienced editors, novices looking for clients, and everyone in between. A freelancer at a low-paying site may do either a great job on your manuscript or a quick, superficial edit to push through enough projects to make a living. My motivation is different: I’ll do the best I can to make your piece the best it can be, at a rate that’s fair for us both.
Can we talk first before we commit to working together?
Yes! Let’s have a free, thirty-minute phone or Zoom consultation to talk about your project and goals. Use the sign-up form on this page to set up a time.