Award-winning Author, Developmental Editor, and Book Coach
As a creative nonfiction writer, my mission is to create beauty, raise questions, and inspire curiosity about our place in the world.
As an editor and book coach, my mission is to help other writers do this through nonfiction and fiction that’s accessible, inviting, and potentially popularly successful. Whether through developmental editing, line editing, or coaching, I partner with writers to keep readers turning the page.
I’ve had my head in a book since I was a kid, and now I get to have the fun of researching and writing books of my own. Turning Homeward: Restoring Hope and Nature in the Urban Wild was a Washington State Book Award Finalist in 2017.
In addition to writing about (sub)urban nature, I also write and edit memoirs, personal essays, travel essays, and other creative nonfiction with occasional forays into short stories. (A mystery novel lurks in my future.)
I publish a (more or less) quarterly newsletter with links to my published work; book reviews I write for the New York Journal of Books; calls for work, fellowships, and retreats; and updates on my many literary projects.

“Joyfully welcome a new voice in a new generation of nature writers. Adrienne Ross Scanlan’s journey from New York City’s beaches to Seattle’s salmon streams, from winter to spring, from Yom Kippur to Purim, from searching to celebration, continually delights, surprises, and inspires.”
— Kathleen Dean Moore, author of Wild Comfort